Tuesday 27 December 2011

What does the future hold?

What does the future hold?

It is all very good to have a focus on innovation, but is it necessarily best to be 100% focused on an innovation strategy for all processes in operating an organization?

My answer is no. My belief is as the saying goes ‘too much of anything is not good for you’. When reading through Adair’s book, he talks of how you should ‘manage’ innovation, he says, “Innovation should be both customer-driven as well as ideas-driven” (2009, p, 131).

And it is true if companies are becoming too focused on innovation, then organizations and managers will switch their thinking to concentrate on the concept of ‘building new ideas’, ’new products’, ‘new technology’, new everything. By doing this companies may well loose sight of what the customers want and go astray.

Therefore the solution is to see innovation as an aspect of a bigger strategy. Innovation is recognised to be new, it’s a bandwagon everyone thinks they have to jump on. The way that innovation needs to be managed is carefully, not to lose sight of the sole driver of any organization or profiteering organization… the customer.

It is sure that any modern organization that does not integrate innovation into their strategy will struggle, and is likely to encounter problems as much as an organization which relys entirely on innovation.

Reference List

John Adair. 2009. Effective Innovation. Pan Books. London.

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