Tuesday 27 December 2011

Changing for Innovation

Changing for Innovation

It has been made clear that the world is entering an age where innovation is key. So what exactly encourages us to change? Andriopoulos and Dawson (2009, p, 16-17) identify factors that promote change:

- Government laws and regulations
- Globalization of markets and internalisation of business
- Major political and social events
- Advances in technology
- Organizational growth and expansion
- Fluctuations in business cycles

Innovation at the end of the day is change and what innovation does is it looks for ways to change for the better. There has forever been and forever will be a need for change in order to progress as a society but more in a business sense, progress as an organization. Companies should always take a kaizen approach and look to continuously change to improve. As Rothaermel and Hess (2010) say:

“Continuous innovation is the engine that drives highly successful companies such as Apple, General Electric, Google, Honda, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, Sony, Tata group and many others.”

Reference List

Constantine Andriopoulos and Patrick Dawson. 2009. Managing Change, Creativity & Innovation. Sage Publications Ltd.

Frank T. Rothaermel and Andrew M. Hess. 2010. [Online] MIT Sloan – Innovation Strategies Combined. Available from: http://sloanreview.mit.edu/the-magazine/2010-spring/51313/innovation-strategies-combined/
Accessed on 30/12/2011

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